Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What you need to know for Making Video Game

I've been spending lot of time thinking about it. Yah ! when you seriously want to work on some original idea, you have to work hard on it. Well.. that's what original idea wants. Hard Work and Dedication and Faith.
          Apart for these basics essentials. You need more qualities so that you can enhance the work you doing. Lets talk about some practical qualities. But before that try to figure out the subject we are discussing upon,
       Game,  its a digital simulation of some conditions which drive a users to perform a particular role. Now as you see we can have a variety of perspective to view this.
     Some Conditions, looks like a small window, but if focused single handedly you can find unlimited number of patterns to make those 'some conditions' which can drive users to play into it. For ex: super meat boy(threat driven), Fez(exploration), Tomb Raider, etc. And if you ask my personal opinion you can have any type of condition to drive a human nature, provided its righteous(it has some virtue) and with a good consent.
   It can be a condition where a street kid is running away from a police man as he has drawn some graffiti over the trains(subway surfers) or can be a guy who is stuck in a dark terrorful room ( amnesia)
You see if you want to find examples of such situation it isn't that tough, tricky part could be how to gamify those elements. And place them in such a way that its fun to interact with them. There are some books which can teach you to create game loops, surprise elements, reward systems which engage a player into various situations leading him to play a heroic role.
   Perform a Role, this could be interesting part to understand. A character is under direct influence of the user. It will be backed up with some powers to help user over the obstacles. The roles are directly related within the environment the user is playing. Like a thief, spy, warrior, etc.
     Some games doesnt require a single character to be controlled by the user. Use can control various objects like in (RTS) games. Here the objects have inter dependency with each other, which force the user to perform skillfull action to counter the computer(AI).

    Lastly, its a digital simulation i.e : It can be on a mobile device, a computer, a tablet etc. And notice this based on the device the user experience also changes. An arcade game cannot have same influence if played on a mobile device. So first point to notice is to decided the platform (device) you want to make on  

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