He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot. He that dare not is a slave ! Andrew Carnegie
When you are brought up in this world, nobody ask you question about it. No tell you whats the reason you here. And generally people don't even ask themselves why they are here. You see it a vital ability of human to reason, to question about the change happening around himself. Although the rest of the things like your friends, your enjoyment time, your work period , etc everything will keep on going around you (Of course you gotta manage that but that's something seems to be in control. Ain't it ?) Because if someone ask you why are you in this world you might feel clueless, deprived and out of your mind. But that doesn't means that you shouldn't reason ! Reason is the right you got. The power of atorney ! You mind needs your consent over a reason to assimilate it and produce an outcome in response to it. If you fail to provide a right consent over some reason , the chances are you might feel very awkward when you are expose to that situation , and that's the only reason some people ran from very generally and vital concerns of human civilization !
Our universe is very diverse. You search for a particular type , you will find similar traits in number of patterns. That's the opulence you see! Sometimes these opulences go beyond human comprehension. Let's suppose the ability "To Reason" is something not liked by some individual. What can we comment about this. We can't control anyone except us ! But yeah we must advise someone of whatsoever out heart speaks out and for someone else we can do this only ! But what if the individual's self has lost the interest in the realization of importance of reason. He might have looked the 'reason' the same way just like a hungry and lustfully man see a pretty girl. A purpose to exploit ! He gets immersed in the self ego so much that he has lost the power to discriminate something which is for his own benefit or to destroy him. That kind of person never admits what they do and neither they care for reason. They just care for their self- praise and false public impressions. Their intelligence shrinks so small that they get sunk in the well made by there own mental speculation. What you think who you can count on with that certificate ? Well it seems to be tough to find these people. But if you see with the eye of simplicity, you will find that a soul asking for a reason is not a impure and cruel but a divine soul, he is asking for reason not because he was told to do so. But he wanted to understand for himself. He wanted to know how he can communicate to it, how he can find a better world consisting of him and the reason he as acquired. Hence he walks on the path of truth. Hence the people who doesn't mind to walk on paths other than truth can be said the ones who don't reason. You can see them a lot in number still the foundation of their ideals is not strong enough that they can withstand the waves of time. They eventually perish. For the Time ! its never the quantity .. its always the quality.
As we know there are unlimited faces to see same point in this world. We can encounter a type of person who is not asking the reason because his will has not powered him to stand up and ask that question. That person although is struggling in his heart itself with this question, but unfortunately he doesn't get enough will power to conquer his fear engulfing the question. Technically you can call that person a slave ! Reason is that he has lost the inner state of power, to fight for the reasons his heart calls. And what more that person can prosper on ? His heart is cold with the inactions he has done towards it. He has surrender his soul to someone, or merely following the decision of his master, without his own conscience.